Identity · poetry · social media

Irrelevance: #thingstheydonottellyouaboutmediocrity.

You see, you do not acquire mediocrity.
You are born into it and it keeps changing
with your social surroundings.
As a child, they do not call you mediocre
because there is hope for you yet.
As an adult, they do not give your mediocrity credibility
because there is ‘apparently’ hope for you still.

Being average comes with an unspoken terms and conditions manual.
Yes, the ones you never read on any forms or instructions.
Like those.
These conditions being:
“You are good enough in the right crowd.”
“You might not be the best, but you are not bad.”
“You can always get better.”

But like those unread manuals
you are not much good either.
Yes, you exist.
You take up air and space.
You are matter.
But do you really matter?

With the right amount of ideas and exposure
and around the right people
you will get recognised as the underdog
who will make everybody proud someday.
But, not today.

You will have Academy nominated movies after you,
“the year of the underdogs”, people will say-
just with the right amount of luck and hard work,
at the right time, around the right people,
with the correct alignment of stars
correct colour of clothes, shampoo and soap
those movie people make it,
and so will you, if you believe.

And let me tell you something about your dreams,
the dreams you saw as a child because everyone assured you
you had just enough to achieve them,
well, what they meant was you had just enough
not in surplus and dreams weren’t all for you.
Not entirely at least.
You would make it in alternative options-
tinier jobs, tinier homes, tinier dreams.
They are still all you want
What is the harm?

The crudest thing they do not tell you about mediocrity is that
you are not a nebula of brilliance,
who hasn’t yet stumbled upon the right opportunity at the right time and space.
You are not a ball of insecurity afraid of fading into irrelevance
You are the irrelevance.
Until you make it.
If you make it.
Or else you fade into the nothingness you came from,
were always a part of.

Your irrelevance.

Caption: The sun fades.
From a brilliant yellow to an orange to a residual red.
Leaving behind at first a tint, a slow transitioning
And then a sudden all conquering darkness

The sun fades, into temporary irrelevance.
The sun isn’t the irrelevance.
Because the sun is mediocre, cannot be mediocre
am I right?

2 thoughts on “Irrelevance: #thingstheydonottellyouaboutmediocrity.

  1. Finally managed to read this. Haven’t been a fun ride myself. Do you remember what Jim Moriarty said in The Reichenbach Fall while listening to Stayin’ Alive?
    “Staying alive . . . Boring, isn’t it? It’s just… Staying….”


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